Played a good half of it, hated every moment of it.
Ok, so i have honestly no idea why you would even choose to make this into a game. I would compare this game to one of those "Meet and Fuck" games where you click on the buttons and then get sex, But in this game instead of sex you get a smug, contrived, masturbatory story.
And i will justify 100% of that.
1st of all, the "Gameplay" :
The gameplay in this is apprehensible, there is so little reason to it that i question its existence. For starters, You walk around an enclosed area and click on things to either pick them up or trigger a 1 button puzzle to get an object. That alone is downright offensive to the player. You placed all these objects (by the way, too fucking many per level) into these impossibly hard to spot spots where it either blends to the background, or where the foreground makes it where you can only see it from one angle. I understand, you must think this is challenging. Its not. Its frustrating as hell. to have to find one more rose in a med-sized level, might as well be a needle in a haystack. and you turned it into a game of hide-and-go-seek that you see on flash sites for the Teletubbies. Ah! but you did add ways to interact with the creatures to swap it up a bit. These work better than the rest of the fetch quest items, but still hardly work as any kind of entertaining gameplay. they boil down to "click that guy" or "walk there, then.... WALK THERE" they give 0 satisfaction, and even if they did they comprise about 2% of most levels.
Now at the start i was already antagonized by the mechanics in the game. Then...I found out what the hint button did. And it was one of THE WORST things you could ever put in a point and click adventure game. To make already menial gameplay even more meaningless really speaks volumes on how much you actually cared about the game itself. The point of puzzles is that you are supposed to feel like you overcame a trail with your own mental ability (even though there is none required here) or even with observation skills, like finding roses and scrolls. For you to put in a button that does all that for you tells me that you honestly did not give one shit about the gameplay. That is like Miyamoto putting a button in Mario that auto does the level for you, or feature in Street Fighter that makes it that if you are low on health you just take out a gun and shoot the other guy. In short the game itself is a failure.
2nd The story:
The story in this is so pretentious and "in-your-face" that it makes me want to punch a hole in my screen whenever cutscene appears. It also does not make any sense, but its fantasy so i know that you would use that to defend yourself. So i'm just going to say that the story, is just awful and unsubtle and cringe-inducing as fuck. For a serious story you can't just layer every cutscene with the emotion-inducing stuff. You have to let characters develop and make the audience care about them before you can really use that connection to make them feel an emotion. To you : The author, you must have developed all these characters yourself and have already made all these quriks that you love about them, and therefore already feel a connection with them. We don't. so please don't throw us into these situations where you just expect us to feel something by raping us with emotional scenes or music.
3rd The art:
The art was actually pretty good, I have no shame in admitting that. But my problem with it is that there was no central style to all the art. For example, the trees and stuff in the first world were very well defined and detailed done in a painterly style along with most of the trees and whatnot, while the stuff that your character walks on for the most part has a hand-drawn, cell-shaded look. which makes the whole thing look off. The art is pretty good you just have to try to keep a consistent style.
Of course even with the art, i am still giving this 0, because i grade games on the experience i had with them and i absolutely hated this game, good luck on your future projects :D